
Not caring what people think of me is certainly a learned behavior. Also a positive when launching your first blog. My goal for this tab is to share some of the mistakes I have made throughout my adolescence, and hope that I don’t get beaten to a bloody pulp by the respectable moms out there.

Most of what I write about, will probably be Life lessons that I learned over the years from “friends” acting unfavorably. But all you really need to know,  is that I am not a delicate flower. Simply meaning, somewhere along the way I developed a thick skin- and am no longer afraid to speak the truth. Perhaps this is why I don’t have very many gal pals, but the reality is, I probably don’t like you either. It isn’t that I put myself above anyone else, because I certainly have no room to judge anyone. It’s just that I am sick of telling people what they want to hear.

Love me or hate me, I will never be afraid to be myself- and tell you how it is.

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